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Η Ελληνική Εταιρεία
Γυναικών Πανεπιστημιακών (ΕΛ.Ε.ΓΥ.Π)
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Ερευνητικά Προγράμματα για το Φύλο

Full version of the consolidated state of the art and national reports, containing information on all countries participating in the EQUAPOL project.

Ge.MI.C. (Gender, Migration, Intercultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South East Europe : an interdisciplinary perspective
Ge.M.IC is a research project exploring the intersections between gender, migration and intercultural interaction as it is in the meeting place of these three dimensions that some of the most important developments in Southeast Europe take place. Ge.MI.C. focuses on the Mediterranean and South-East Europe as an intercultural space of migrant mobility and cultural diversity. Research is interdisciplinary and expand in thematic areas across national borders.

MAGEEQ (Policy Frames and Implementation Problems: the Case of Gender Mainstreaming)
MAGEEQ was a research project funded within the European Commission's 5th Framework Programme that started in January 2003. Next to a comparative study on the framing of gender inequality as a policy problem in Austria, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain, the project resulted in a conceptual framework on various dimensions of gender equality policy frames, a method for the assessment of inconsistencies in gender equality policy frames and in a set of debates at national and international level.

QUING (Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies)
QUING is an Integrated Project funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the EU and will run until 2011. Building on the methodology of Critical Frame Analysis developed for the MAGEEQ project, QUING aims to address issues of gender and citizenship across EU 27 members states as well as Croatia and Turkey.